Jennifer Tan's Tunisian Crochet Class

Tunisian Crochet Workshop: Recording and Handout

Learn basic Tunisian crochet stitches! No crochet skill necessary.

Tunisian crochet is easier on the hands and uses less yarn than traditional crochet, and is quicker than knitting.

Students need:

Books referenced during the class:

  1. Encyclopedia of Tunisian Crochet, Arnie Granowski (out of print)
  2. Tunisian Crochet, Sharon Silverman
  3. 101 Easy Stitches, Annie's Attic
  4. The Complete Book of Tricot, Rebecca Jones (out of print, but some used copies pop up on Amazon and eBay -- this is the one with the photos that I showed)

Some additional books:

  1. Tunisian Crochet Workshop
  2. Tunisian Crochet Stitch Guide
  3. Tunisian Crochet Volume 1
  4. Tunisian Crochet Volume 2
  5. Tunisian crochet Volume 3

About Jennifer Tan

MA Education Administration, California Teaching & Administration Credentials | Chapman University

BA Classical Civilization | University of California, Davis

Jennifer is a professional fiber artist, flutist, aromatherapist, wedding planner/officiant, and educator. She has been a school teacher, gifted and talented facilitator, principal and organizational leader. Jennifer has homeschooled her own four children both privately and through a charter school in a Waldorf-inspired environment with her husband Rick. She consults in the areas of Waldorf curriculum, homeschooling, handwork and music. Jennifer has been featured in Belle Armoire Magazine, and on the HGTV show Uncommon Threads. She has taught handwork for Wholistic Learning Resources, The BEarth Institute, Little Acorn Learning, Griffin Dyeworks Dye & Fiber Retreat, Alliance for Waldorf Public Education, Syrendell Summer Camp & Retreats, and at a variety of yarn shops, community groups, libraries, and schools throughout California, Georgia, and Washington.

Jennifer may be reached at

Photo: Nicole Sepulveda-Smith

Copyright Syrendell 2021

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