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"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery"
— Mark Van Dorena

Quick Felt Needlebook


Sometimes you just don't have the time or resources to make a lovely cross stitch needlebook. You just need something that you can make quickly that will hold needles, pins, and maybe other stuff.

This felt needle book will fill the bill! It's great for gifts or largesse.

It's also great as a kid's project. Nothing difficult here!

Mark a 12 inch x 9 inch piece of felt into 3x3 squares
Cut out pairs of squares – these will be your pages
Cut a 12 inch x 9 inch piece of felt in half. This will be the cover and the pockets
Use one of the pages to measure out a third of the blue fabric. Fold that up to be the pockets (both inside, one front and back).
Fold the top down to about 1/3 to 1/2 inch above the bottom.
Cut the center of the FLAP piece to allow you fold each flap down (one on either side of the center).
Sew or glue up the outside edge of each pocket
Both sides sewn
Mark the center of the cover (faint white line)

Place one or more page piece on the inside (pocket side) of the cover and sew down the center line (of both the page and the book spine) to attach the pages to the cover
Spine of book showing the sewn in page. My stitches don't look so good, if that's a problem, either draw a line on the spine to help align the stitches as you work, or use a thread color that matches the cover material.
Trim the flap edges a bit to allow them to fit inside the book.
If you wish, trim the pages so that they don’t stick out from the side of book (or leave as is)
Fold in half. If you wish add a button to the front cover and ribbon to the back cover, or a ribbon to each, to tie the book closed.
Mash an empty paper towel roll flat and cut off slices of the roll.
Wrap thread (at least black and white, but more colors if you want) around the slice. Cut a slit in the slice to tuck the thread end into.
Tuck the thread holder into a pocket, add some needles and pins, and you’re needlebook is ready!

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