Come one come all

Weavers, Spinners, Embroiders, Braiders, Lacemakers,
and Fiber Artists of all types

Beginners, Intermediate, and Advanced!
Join us for an open workshop and playday for sharing ideas and skills

A Little Bit of Playday History     |     Previous PlayDays     |     Purpose     |     More Info     |     Contact Me

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Weaving Playday Purpose

Our purpose is simple:
  • Spread the fiber arts addiction as far and wide as we can, that way we have more people to come play with us!

  • Help people progress beyond the beginning levels, introducing them to new concepts and techniques.

  • Do this by providing open, friendly workshops where all levels can play, mingle, and share knowledge. Beginners learning from intermediate, intermediate learning from advanced, and (believe it or not) advanced learning from everyone ... there's always another trick, technique, or pattern out there!

More Info

A Little Bit of Playday History

In January 2006 I held an Inkle weaving playday. It was so much fun and so well received that more followed. Baroness Bridget Lucia MacKenzie brought card weaving to that first meeting, and has been a long time Playday cohort!

In January 2007 Baroness Therese of the White Griffin, Baroness Luighseach nic Lochlainn, Senora Madelena Hidalgo de Valencia, and THL Courtney of the White Meadow joined our merry band. We expanded the Playday schedule for 2007, more Playdays, and more held at (SCA Event).

In 2008 our merry band has grown as has our scope. Our new members are: THL Morin Muir, Lady Ysoude de Rochester, THL Sean Micheal Padraig of Sheep Haven, Baroness Flavia Beatrice Carmigniani, Lady Catharine Hawkwod da Barbiano, and Catriona.

In 2009 we're changed our name from "Weaving Playday" to the more inclusive "Fiber PlayDay" and we've been expanding to include Kumihimo, Lucet, Lacemaking, Fingerloop Braiding, Spinning and more.

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Unicorn Fiber Arts Craft & Info * Brewing Info & Recipes * Cooking Recipes * Timotheus' Publications, Craft & Info

Sales pages: Unicorn Fiber Arts * Brown Owl Brew Shop

Main page: House Zacharia

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                Copyright © by Debbie & Tim Coyle