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"The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery"
— Mark Van Doren

Serving on Court

Links for Info on:
Serving on Court     Court Guard     Captain of the Guard     Lady/Lord In Waiting     Chamberlain, Chancellor, Head Lady/Lord in Waiting

"You rule because they believe"
  -=-Caid Crown Inscription

Job description for the King and Queen of The West:
Be everything that each one of your subjects expects a King and Queen to be.
This is an impossible mission, but it’s something to think about.
  -=-West Kingdom Royalty Handbook

I think of SCA courts as theater ... the Royals are the actors and the court members are the back stage workers (although they also have on stage appearances).

The SCA is recreating a time when Royals were very important in day to day life. Even if you weren't privileged to attend court and interact with the Royals on a regular basis, what they did and said affected your life. And if you were to interact with them, even in passing, you needed to know how to act around them.

So in the SCA Royals are necessary for us to properly recreate the era. Their existence is the backbone of our "game"; and so their actions, appearance, and words take on a huge importance in our activities.

As in the Middle Ages, it’s not possible for one person (or one couple) to do all the work that goes into being a Royal. It takes an army of behind the scenes workers to make it all happen. This is where the court members come in.

If you’ve been to court, you’ve seen them working. Awards, prizes, and gifts appear in the Royal’s hands as needed. Water glasses are filled; presentations are moved to the back of the pavilion, and more. They are standing guard and escorting people into and out of court. A court's pageantry, effectiveness, and length are GREATLY affected by the efficiency of the court personnel.

But it doesn’t stop there.

Imagine the following scene: The Queen / Princess / Baroness is in the Royal pavilion and a young fighter requests an audience, kneels, and asks to fight for her in the day’s combat. She graciously accepts the fighter’s offer. Then she hands him/her a day favor asking that he/she wear it as a token from her.

Lovely! Exactly what we picture in the SCA … BUT wait … she carries favors around with her wherever she goes? No. Her court was paying attending to what was happening. They know where she keeps her day favors, and one of them slipped it to her behind her back as she was talking to the fighter. Making a perfect experience for the fighter

The court members are in charge of keeping the Royals day running as smoothly as possible: Keeping track of time and activities, keeping the Royals fed and watered, keeping the pavilion (the stage) clean and clear, providing what the Royals need as they need it, and more.

But wait, there's more.

Court personnel often help between events: assembling gift baskets, favors, and awards; helping with packing and unpacking, organizing attendance, coordinating between the Royals and the event staff, and much more:

"Care and support may take the form of setting up and breaking down camp, organizing court, taking notes at meetings, fetching and carrying, minding children, delivering messages, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and more." -=-Retinue - An Tir Culturewiki

Below are some links that should help you get a handle on what’s expected when you serve on court.

You’ll also find that reading the Royal’s handbooks give you an idea of what’s expected of the Royals, which helps you understand what you can do to help them.

And remember to communicate and work with your Royals! You’re all in this together to provide a perfect experience for all concerned!

General Info for Serving on Court

Lady/Lord In Waiting (LiW) Info

Chamberlain, Chancellor, Head Lady/Lord in Waiting (LiW) Info

Court Guard Info

Captain of the Guard Info

Royality & Protocol Handbooks

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                Copyright © by Debbie & Tim Coyle