Baltic Pickup for Inkle Weaving

Class Prep -- Warp your loom for the class

Class Info • Warping Info

I will have some small looms warped up for students to use ...
If possible, please bring your own INKLE LOOM -- WARPED and ready to go.

Class info:

Baltic Pickup for Inkle Weaving Class taught by Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios / Debbie Coyle

Tired of warped in inkle patterns? Want to do something more creative? SLearn how to add patterns to your work as you weave.

This workshop will cover Baltic style pickup. Specifically from The Weaver's Inkle Pattern Directory by Anne Dixon. I'll show you how to read her notation and we'll play with some of her patterns.

We will NOT be warping looms in class, but there will be a few small looms warped up for students to use if they don't have a loom of their own.

Length: 2 hours
Experience Level: Intermediate
Max. students: 10
Class fee: $5 for handouts
Student should bring (if possible):

Warping info:

You will need 2 colors of yarn: Warping:

Heddled B B B P B B P B B P B B B Heddled
Uuheddled B B B B P B B P B B B B Uuheddled

Starting with a heddled thread: Warp a solid color border by alternating 3 heddled BACKGROUND and 3 unheddled BACKGROUND threads

Warp TWO heddled PATTERN threads in one heddle (or 1 if using double think thread)

Warp an unheddled and a heddled BACKGROUND thread

Warp TWO unheddled PATTERN threads (or 1 if using double think thread)

Warp a heddled and an unheddled BACKGROUND thread

Warp TWO heddled PATTERN threads in one heddle (or 1 if using double think thread)

Warp an unheddled and a heddled BACKGROUND thread

Warp TWO unheddled PATTERN threads (or 1 if using double think thread)

Warp a heddled and an unheddled BACKGROUND thread

Warp TWO heddled PATTERN threads in one heddle (or 1 if using double think thread)

Starting with an unheddled thread: Warp a solid color border by alternating 3 unheddled BACKGROUND and 3 heddled BACKGROUND threads

Contact me if you have questions!