Card Weaving: Tubes & Pockets
Class Prep -- Warp your loom for the class
Class Info Warping Info
A loom will be available for students to take turns working at ...
Students are encouraged to bring their own INKLE LOOM -- WARPED and ready to go.
Class info:
Card Weaving: Tubes & Pockets Class taught by Lynnette de Sandoval del Valle de los Unicornios / Debbie Coyle
Ever wanted to weave a tent pole or flag pole cover, or other useful hollow tube? Want to put ‘pockets’ in your woven belts? Come learn the fun of using double weave to create hollow tubes and pockets in your woven bands.
Students can bring pre-warped looms and practice the techniques in class, see warping info below.
Or students can take turns playing on the pre-warped loom provided.
Length: 2 hours
Experience Level: Intermediate
Max. students: 10
Class fee: $1 for handouts
Student should bring: Students should bring their own looms warped up and ready to go.
Bring to class:
- Inkle loom (warped as below)
- 1 shuttle with border color yarn
Warping info:
You will need 2 colors of yarn:
- 2 colors (Color A & B) -- Size 3 crochet cotton is recommended
- Wrap Color A (the border color) on one shuttle
- Bring ball of Color A to class
- Warp a solid color border with Color A, 5 heddles (10 threads total) wide
- Then warp the heddle threads with Color A and the non-heddle threads with Color B
- Make this about 1 inch wide (woven width)
- It can be wider if you have time to warp it
- Warp a solid color border with Color A, 5 heddles (10 threads total) wide
Contact me if you have questions!