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at Fiber PlayDays
Book Recommendation for Inkle and Tablet / Card Weaving
Inkle Weaving by Helene Bress
If you only buy one inkle weaving book, this is it. It gets the new weaver up and running,
and then has tons of ideas for the intermediate weaver!
This is currently out of print (again) so shop carefully to find a reasonable price
Card Weaving by Candace Crockett
The book to get you started on Tablet / Card weaving
The Techniques of Tablet Weaving by Peter Collingwood
The Tablet/card weaving bible. Everything you ever wanted to know about how and why
tablet weaving works!
Books by
Linda Hendrickson
Great books on Tablet / Card weaving adn Ply-split braiding on her website.
Please Weave a Message: Instructions and Graphs for Tablet-Woven Calligraphy
Double-Faced Tablet Weaving: 50 Designs from Around the World
... and more
Books by Nancy Spies
Medieval history and patterns for the Tablet / Card weaver!
Ecclesiastical Pomp & Aristocratic Circumstance: A Thousand Years
of Brocaded Tabletwoven Bands
Here be Drolleries - Hundres More Patterns Grphed from medieval
Here be Wyverns - hundreds of Patterns graphed from Medieval
Anna Neuper's Modelbuch: Early Sixteenth-Century Patterns for
Weaving Brocaded Bands by Ute Bargmann, Edited by Nancy Spies
Card weaving: Complete instructions plus 53 patterns for card weaving or tablet
weaving, by Russell E Groff
Tons of fun patterns for tablet weavers.
Amazon has tons of different listings for the same book, so look though this listings
to find the best price.